Family Fun {31 Days of all things Children Day 15}

This weekend we were able to get away for several nights as a family and go “camping.” Now I put that in quotes because we were in an air-conditioned cabin and went to a cafeteria for all of our meals, but I think that counts when I’m 8 months pregnant! We have done plenty of primitive camping in our day- including sleeping on the freezing ground of our tent as newly weds when our air mattress didn’t work. 
Anyway, Trinity Pines Conference Center is nice enough to offer pastors in our area four free nights a year in one of their cabins, including all meals. We went last year as well (you can read a little about that here) and it is a HUGE blessing to our family.
Anyway, it was a great weekend. I didn’t take lots of pictures (gasp!) but we did get a few.
I tend to get antsy trying to get the “perfect” shot, so I left the camera behind most of the times we left the camera. 



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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
