Finding Time! {31 Days of All Things Children: Day 5}

As a mom, one of the things I seldom have time for is properly blowdrying, straightening, and fixing my hair. I have been trying to do better about this- especially since I am pregnant- it makes me feel better to at least look nice!
A few weeks ago I was asked by Jackie to review a Lilla Rose Flexi clip. I have seen them on other people’s blogs and thought they were beautiful, so I was very happy to have one of my own!
Saturday night, we attended the wedding of some friends from church, (actually my hubby officiated) and as usual I was running late getting the kids ready as well as myself. Lilla Rose came to the rescue!
I simply smoothed the front of my hair, twisted the back, and stuck in the beautiful clip.
It literally took about one minute to fix my hair! Hurray for time-saving devices.
I was skeptical about the Flexi holding my hair- I have LOTS of hair. In fact, the stylist who did my up-do for prom in high school (it was only last year, ha!) said she had never done an undo on someone with so much hair!
I even had a few minutes to spare to snuggle with this handsome guy!
Anyway, I had my hair up for a total of about 6 hours, and by the end of the night, the clip was only the tiniest bit loose, and all of my hair was still in place! Another win.
There are tons of styles of the Flexi- you can find them by clicking here– but I especially love the new one they just introduced for October:
Isn’t it adorable? My sister and I both love owls- maybe she needs to get this for me. 🙂
(hint, hint!)
Here are a few more beautiful examples:

Thanks, Jackie, for letting me try the Flexi and save tons of time fixing my hair! (it’s in my hair as we “speak”, in fact) 
Be sure to check out Jackie’s website here and her Facebook page here. These would make wonderful, affordable Christmas gifts- it’s coming up, you know!

Have a blessed day!


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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
