Please Pray!

Hi friends, I don’t often post on the weekend, but I have a prayer request that warrants special attention.

As you probably know, our son Landon has a liver disease called Biliary Atresia. He had surgery at 7 weeks old and at almost 8 years old now, he is doing really well.

However, this is not always the case. One of our friends Baby Elise, who is only 17 months old and lives in our city, has been listed for transplant for 9 months now because her liver was already failing.
(You can read more here about organ donation.)

Earlier this week, her family received “the call” saying that there was a donor liver available. Her family rushed to the hospital in great anticipation- BUT several hours later, the liver was deemed unsuitable for transplant. So they were sent home without receiving the gift of life that they so had hoped to receive that day.

All these kids will probably need a liver transplant at some time in their lives. They have all  already had a surgery called the Kasai. Elise is the tiny baby- she was only 3 months old at the time of this pic. Landon is the only boy in the pic. 

Today, they are back at the hospital because she is having internal bleeds. It is also her mom’s birthday and my heart is just breaking for this family. I cannot imagine their fear, and at the same time hopefulness.

If you can, please say a prayer for them. Please pray for another family to choose organ donation at the very hardest time of their own life, and please pray for the family who lost their young one earlier this week and was willing to save others’ lives with their sacrificial decision.

If you’d like to follow their story, here is the link to Erin’s (Elise’s mom) blog.

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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!


  1. Praying the miracles we know can happen will.

  2. We pastor here in Waco…we’ll put her name on the prayer list in the morning and will be praying ourselves in the meantime!

  3. Praying so much! Thank you for sharing.
