If you follow my Facebook page, you know that I have lost both my maternal grandmother (Grandma) and grandfather (Papa) in the last 11 weeks. My grandma’s funeral is today.
To say this is the end of a wonderful era is an understatement. My grandparents loved each of their 6 children, 17 grandchildren, and 17 great-grandchildren so well. Although we’re not perfect, our family truly enjoys being around one another.
I am so honored to have had my grandparents in my life for 33 years. They both taught me so much.
From my Grandma, who died Saturday, I learned about striving to be a godly mother. She instilled the love of God in her children and grandchildren. She was always, and I really mean always, so loving to her grandchildren. She kept us a lot growing up, and I only remember her scolding me once. That’s because I’d climbed into a crib when I was about 10 years old, so I think I deserved a scolding! She suffered physically so much in her life, yet was active almost to the end. She had cancer twice, a heart attack, a stroke, broke a vertebrae, broke her shoulder, her nose, had congestive heart failure, and yet I rarely, rarely heard her complain. She was just such a sweet spirit and had a hug and a smile for everyone.
From my Papa, I learned to search the Scriptures for myself. Although we didn’t agree 100% on everything, he taught me to think for myself and not be afraid to disagree with something just because it’s tradition. He also lived life to the fullest- always out and about and visiting with people. His last words each time we left his house were always, “Shut that screen door and y’all come back!” He was healthy as a horse- despite his love affair with the salt shaker and desserts- until a few months before he died. He literally had been to the doctor twice in his life until October of last year. He was diagnosed with lung cancer in January of this year and was gone by March.
From both of them, I learned the love of family. I was just thinking about how much time they poured into their family. With 17 grandkids, there was no shortage of ball games and school programs to attend. On top of that, they also attended whatever they could for their 17 great-grandchildren as well. Papa always took the grandkids and great grandkids on four-wheeler rides, and grandma spent time in playing with us. They even traveled to Florida for my husband’s graduation from seminary- and he’s their grandson-in-law!
I am so thankful for the impact they each had on my life. They are both a great part of who I am today.
I’ll end with their special goodnight saying they had for each other:

Linking up:

They really said that to each other? That’s the sweetest thing!!
Hi Kelli. I think you did a wonderful job paying tribute to your grandparents. My heart brakes for you, knowing how close I am to my own grandparents. The only comfort I have in any death is the everlasting life we have in Jesus Christ..and the promise that we’ll meet them again someday. Lot’s of Love and prayers for you friend xo
Thanks Kristin! I miss them so much already but know that I’ll see them again! Glad you have wonderful grandparents too. 🙂
I loved reading this. As someone who lost all grandparents before I was married, I feel that like a hole in my life. I love hearing about other people’s relationships with their grandparents and am so much more wanting to get my kids involved with their grandparents now because YOU NEVER KNOW. They will each give something new and different to my children and I love to watch and see that. Thanks for sharing this and linking up!!
Wonderful tribute and you are blessed at the legacy of your grandparents. I am sorry for your loss and pray for your family’s hearts!
What a sweet legacy your grandparents left you and all of your cousins and kids and nieces and nephews! I’m so sorry that you lost them both so recently. May God send his Holy Spirit to comfort you and your family during your season of grief.