This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.
Y’all. The amount of dishes I gotta do everyday sometimes makes me want to cry. Seriously. If all 6 of us eat all 3 meals here, (and do about 4 days a week) that adds up to 18 plates A DAY! It truly seems I can never get caught up. I’m super thankful for my big family, but can somebody please send me a dish fairy?

Yes, that is 18 plates, a representation of a normal day for us!
Since that’s probably not going to happen, I’m so glad two of my kids are old enough to start helping. Also, having a dishwasher to do the bulk of the work is awesome. Even though I am not the “wash the dishes before I wash the dishes” kind of gal (in other words, most of my dishes go straight into the dishwasher), the dishes definitely don’t get pre-washed when the kids are loading the dishes. And not every dishwasher detergent can handle this. My natural inclination is to buy the cheapest thing on the shelf BUT if I have to re-wash the whole load, using more detergent and more water, that is not saving any money!
The other day while in Wal-Mart, I picked up the Quantum Finish dishwasher tablets. This has got to be the best dishwasher detergent ever! Even when my kids loaded (and started- hallelujah!) the dishwasher, the dishes come out sparkling. (Be sure if you let your kids help with the dishes to supervise them with the detergent.)
Speaking of kids helping, I love having chore charts for my kids. Even though they don’t actually “check off” the chores each day, it just serves as a visual reminder of what they need to do that day. As a bonus, I created a free printable that you can use with your kids!
You can click here to be taken to the free printable.
Wal-Mart has rolled back their price for Finish dishwasher detergent until October for #SparklySavings. Stack those low prices with the coupon on this page, and it’s a great time to stock up! #collectivebias
Great prices and the best dishwasher detergent makes 18 plates a day a little more manageable! What are your tips for staying on top of the dishes?
Doing them right away is what I do, so stuff doesn’t dry on.
Also, sometimes I rinse things that aren’t really all that dirty (like a strainer that just got used for soething not greasy and my good knives) while I cook and just put them on the drying rack, as opposed to in the sink where they will get a pile of stuff on top and eventually do get dirty.
I’ll have to try this detergent! I usually pre-wash pretty good, because stuff won’t come clean and I’ve always blamed the DW for it instead of the detergent.