One of my favorite parts of blogging has been getting {free!} books to review. Since I’m an avid reader, this has been a great opportunity for me. Oh, and if you’re wondering how I have time to read lately, it’s during one of the many, many nursing sessions Canaan has during the day and night. I’m actually reading more than I was before because I made a personal rule for myself- no Facebook or other screen time while nursing- only books!
Speaking of Canaan, here’s one of my favorite pics of him so far:
Anyway, back to book reviews. I was recently able to read the book Call of A Coward: The God of Moses and the Middle-Class Housewife. The subtitle really caught my attention because well, I’m a middle-class housewife. Isn’t it awesome that the same God who led Moses out of Egypt still leads us today?
This book follows the story of Marcia, an American whose family was called to serve in Guatemala for a short period of time. Giving up all the comforts of home, Marcia, her husband Bob, and her young daughter packed up and drove from the East Coast to Guatemala-not an easy feat in itself! They were faced with dangerous situations along the way, but eventually made it to the city where they would serve.
Oh, did I mention that Marcia had never been to Guatemala before? But because of God’s clear calling in both she and her husband’s life after her husband travelled to Guatemala, they ended up living among a beautiful people group.
I love how she shares in a real way- no white-washed religion for her. One example is how she wanted to hoard her precious stash of chocolate chips. Yet when a local woman found out about them, she came back often for another sampling. In a country where I can go buy chocolate chips anytime I want, this may seem trivial. But for Marcia, this symbol of home was very hard to obtain- so giving them to the women was truly a sacrifice for her.
A bout with sickness returned the family to the States more quickly than anticipated, and they ended up serving a small country church. From America to Guatemala and back to America again, you’ll find yourself questioning what you would have done in Marcia’s shoes- and what you will do when God leads you to do something hard or go somewhere new.
I received this book as part of the Booksneeze program. I received no other compensation and all views are my own.

[…] Hope by Beth Moore, plus another book I LOVE- the Christian Parenting Handbook by Scott Turansky; Call of a Coward; By Faith, Not By […]