So who spent too much money at Christmas? Who needs a little bit of boost in your cash flow to recover a bit? While my husband and I have committed to no credit card debt, we definitely need to rein things a bit this month!
If you’ve been following along, you know that one of my best friends and I committed to buy all of our clothes (with a few exceptions!) this year at thrift stores. I’m so excited to see what we can find, and how much money we can save by buying gently used clothes.
I took a quick trip to a Goodwill last week because I was in need of workout clothing. Here is one of the outfits I came away with:
Each piece was a $5.99, which to me is a little steep for thrift store prices. BUT the angels sang when I walked into this particular store. It was CLEAN! ORGANIZED! The workers were FRIENDLY! Even the jeans were organized by size. I have never seen that in a Goodwill! Usually they’re organized by color- what good does that do anyone?
(Plus, I walked out with a 75 cent John Grisham book that I haven’t read yet! So excited about that!)
So what is your favorite money-saving tip? I’m constantly looking for more ways to streamline our budget. Don’t forget to check out the other 9 bloggers’ tips as well! You can find them by clicking the image below. And… don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Want to see how the Year of Thrift Store Shopping goes? Be sure to subscribe to eat/pray/read/love by e-mail! You’ll also receive 3 free scripture printable downloads!
Linking up: Living Well Spending Less
I am pretty much a thrift store junkie. I don’t know that I have bought a new piece of clothing in a VERY long time and I buy all of our homeschool supplies (Even brand new boxes of crayons, and colored pencils and more) from thrift stores. It’s amazing what you can find and at amazing prices.
Love your workout clothes! I agree, that is a little steep for Goodwill but I”m seeing that at my store too. The prices are definitely up. My money saving tip would be learn to coupon. I am just beginning but I’m excited for the savings!
You are KIDDING ME! I never even thought to look for workout clothes there which is surprising because I hate spending money on them. $6 does seem a bit steep for thrift store, but when you think about the fact that new, they’d be $20 each, it’s still a great deal.
I also enjoy thrift shops and lately I’ve even gotten smarter about shopping in them. Nothing too “implusey” for me; I’ve got to really love the item and/or really need it. And as for credit card debt, I don’t believe in it either! Interests rates are horrid!
I did Christmas shopping at thrift shops – which is especially awesome because my 4yo loves costumes! I found some gymnastics leotards, cocktail dresses and even a lady bug costume still in the bag.
I even buy my blazers at thrift stores. And the high priced Goodwill is great for those buys. Even though they are pretty expensive. (But remember the proceeds go to help others!)
My favourite money tip is to focus on the things that matters instead of stuff. Focus on good food, good weather, good company instead of competing with others or try to complete yourself with the latest brand name.
I love thrift stores. Been shopping them for a long time.
I have ALWAYS wondered who decided to organize the clothes by color instead of size at Goodwill!!!
I have ALWAYS wondered who was the bright person that decided to organize the clothes by color instead of size at Goodwill!!!
I like to reclaim fabric for projects from clothing at thrift stores, I have found amazing wool from jackets and skirts, leather for baby shoes etc. Its always a fun search and you never know when you will find a treasure.