parenting ideas

We chose to homeschool our son for several reasons- we certainly don’t think it’s the only choice nor do we know for sure we will continue forever. But for now this is what God has called us to. It makes the commandment of, “Talk about it ….” a little easier, but at the same time, it is also easy for it to become routine, just another task to check off the list.

2.) Let your children see that giving is a part of the Christian life.
We try to keep “manna bags” in our car to hand out to homeless people we see when driving around.

I want to say this as humbly as possible, but I feel like must be said.  Kids can (and do) learn great things at church, it’s true. But the love of Christ and his people must be talked about at home. A few hours a week, for most kids isn’t going to cut it.* Prayer and scripture reading must be emulated. 
*While I do believe teaching at home is paramount, there are definitely people who are ardent followers of Christ in spite of their parents, not because of them. 


About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
