Ahhh, the end of the school year. Everyone’s looking forward to summer and days of no school. And for those that are graduating high school, everyone’s asking them, “Where are you going to college?” I’ve started to ask another question, instead, “What are you doing after you graduate?” I’ve been doing some thinking lately and […]
Cranberry Pecan Chicken Salad Recipe
So this series on using a $5 chicken for 3 meals is stretching out over a long period of time, mostly due to my scatter-brained-ness. (yes that’s a new word!) I came up with this cranberry pecan chicken salad recipe after seeing a similar version at Sam’s… but it was around $14. It was a […]
The Best $30 I Spend in a Week
Living on a budget and staying within our means doesn’t always have to mean that life is boring or we never get things that most of the world would consider a luxury. Sure, we have forgone certain things (like sticking with our laminate countertops vs. replacing them with granite like I truly adore!) but there […]
Helping Expecting Moms
Today, I want to share a few things that friends and family have done to help me while pregnant. The more pregnancies one has, the harder it gets, because guess what? There are more little ones to attend to! The ladies (and a few men!) in our life helped make it so much easier. Maybe […]
Keeping Baby Safe + Giveaway
This post has been sponsored by Levana, but all opinions are my own. I suppose I should have titled this post “Keeping Toddler Safe” since I technically no longer have a baby. (boo!) But keeping Canaan- our toddler- safe isn’t an easy task. He’s constantly on-the-go and getting into who-knows-what. He decided around Christmas […]
How to Dine out for Free
One of our favorite things to do as a couple is to dine out together. We love finding new places and returning to old places. Houston is the mecca for all things food in America, (I read once that Houston edged out even NYC for number of restaurants per capita! I don’t know that that […]