the encouragement project: how can I help parents of a seriously ill child?

Hi friends, and welcome to the fourth (!) week already of the Encouragement Project. (If you’re new, go here to read what this series is all about.) Ten years ago yesterday, I left my 6 week old baby on a table as he slowly drifted into sleep in order for a doctor to perform a liver biopsy on […]

The Encouragement Project- Week 1

Welcome to week 1 of the Encouragement Project! (Not sure what the Encouragement Project is? Read all about it here!) Today I want to focus on children. If you have your own- practice on them. If not, find another child to encourage! I assure you, your efforts will not go in vain. I think I’m […]

My heart is breaking…

… for so many reasons. It’s been an emotionally fraught week. I’ve cried in front of my son’s doctor, at the zoo, at a meeting, in the car, at another meeting. Yep. That about sums it up. So. much. going. on. Another earthquake in Nepal (one of my dearest friends and her husband were born […]

No “Unsend” Option

I don’t know how many of you remember using AOL mail back in the day. (confession, I still have an AOL email that I use! My brother makes fun of me regularly for that!) But when it was really popular and everyone had it because it was basically the only option, there was an “unsend” […]

Why is being a mom so hard?

I’ve been wondering the last oh, ten years, how mothering can be so hard. Doesn’t matter if you’re a stay-at-home mom, work-at-home mom, or work outside the home- it’s ALL hard. So many things to manage- laundry, dishes, homework, spending time with each child, spending time with hubby, paying bills- oh my goodness, no wonder […]

20 Easter Basket Ideas {that you won’t throw out the next day!}

Like what you see? Enter your email address for free email updates!: If there is anything I hate, it’s buying a lot of cheap plastic junk for my kids that will get thrown away by the end of the week- or day! So, I pretty much refuse to do it. 🙂 It seems like a […]
