It’s hard to believe we are on week 8 of this series on marriage! I have been overjoyed and humbled to learn something each week from my guest bloggers. Have you enjoyed it as much as I? Today, I have a newer blogging buddy Heather, sharing about a topic that can cause strain and stress […]
old {and young} wives tales’ guest post- a note to my newlywed self
I am so excited about today’s guest blogger!Well, quite honestly, I am excited about each and every guest blogger I have. You may have heard of the blog At the Picket Fence, which is written by sisters Heather and Vanessa.These two ladies have been incredibly encouraging to me in this blogging world and I am so glad […]
"In Sickness and In Health"- old {and young} wives’ tales: encouraging others in marriage: Part Five
I am so excited about this week’s contributor to old {and young} wives’ tales. Paula has been a faithful reader of my blog for several months and is always taking the time to write and encourage me. After reading her post she sent, I figured out we “click” for another reason- she is from my […]
Warning: Real Life Post Ahead. Airing my laundry included!
okay, it’s usually not a good sign when you start crying at the very beginning of a blog post is it?Well, I am.Wednesdays are usually the day I host my Recipe Roundup.But I feel that tonight (Tuesday) as I write this, to hold off on it. Maybe till Thursday, maybe till next week.I read a […]
a day when my husband’s heart is being {physically} examined, my favorite guest blogger ever, and old {and young} wives tales
Isn’t life ironic? About a month ago, when I started this series, I asked my husband to do the post for Valentine’s Day. He agreed.Little did we know that on the day where the heart is the universal symbol,Ben and I would spend the morning at a cardiologist’s office trying determine what is going on […]
old {and young} wives’ tales: encouraging others in marriage: Part Three- Getting to Know Your Spouse
You may remember my friend Nikki from her post in November during my Move It Move It series. She is a wonderful writer and blogs at Christian by Association. When I started my series on marriage, Nikki immediately popped into my mind to ask as a guest blogger. She graciously agreed and sent me one […]