His Joy Comes in the Morning

From the archives: originally posted Sept 19, 2011
God has been doing a work in me lately- specifically concerning the different ways we live out our faith. I have always been in church, been saved since I was eight, and I am married to a preacher man. But I have really been thinking lately about what it means to make an eternal impact in this world. Saying the name “Christian” doesn’t mean anything if I am not living how his word commands.

This summer, our children’s ministry intern led a Bible study with the kids about the fruits of the Spirit, so of course I heard lots about this at home. {from my kids and our intern, who happened to live with us this summer!} Many of us have heard the above verse over and over again. But do we really think about how we exhibit these fruits? The one that stuck out to me personally was joy.

How many Christians actually live our lives with true joy? And if we truly did exhibit more joy- would there be more Christians? I have a sneaking suspicion that sour-faced church goers that hit the restaurants after church on Sunday may have turned away a person or two from ever wanting to attend church.

His Joy comes in the morning

{On a side note, I worked as a waitress in my long-ago single life. And I have to say, that for the most part, after-churchers were some of the most demanding, worst tipping people that came into the restaurant. Ouch.}

Tomorrow, we’ll discuss a few ways to exhibit joy- and in turn- inviting others into a relationship with God!

About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
