How I’ve Quadrupled My Blog Revenue in 2-3 hours a week

Hi there! Just wanted to take a few seconds and thank YOU, my readers. Without you, this blog would not have turned into the income stream that it is for our family. It’s seriously hard for me to believe that I started my own business from home- I never saw myself as an entrepreneur! And with that, if you’re a blogger, I want to help show you how to increase blog income by twofold, if not more! (Find out if you’re ready to monetize here.)

how to double your blog income

At the end of last summer, I set my monthly goal for blogging at $560/month. Why the obscure number, you ask? That’s exactly what it would cost to send my 2 oldest kids to the hybrid private school/homeschool they were attending. We didn’t have it in our budget to send them, so we stepped out on faith that I would, indeed, be able to earn this much. At the time, I was making around $200 a month, and that wasn’t even steady. I’m happy to say that not only did I meet my goal every month, but as of this year, my average for 2015 so far is $800 a month!

I try not to spend more than 2-3 hours a day with my blog and VA (virtual assistant) work. With 4 kids ranging from 2-10, it just isn’t possible to put in more than that right now. Sometimes it comes in waves where I work more one day and less the next, but my average is a good, solid 2-3 hours of work a day. Sometimes that means getting up super early, staying up super late, or using my kids’ nap/quiet time to get things done.

Here’s how to increase blog income when you only have a little time each day:

Become an Amazon affiliate, then promote, promote, promote! Talk about at least one item a day on your social media. I’ve been an Amazon affiliate for as long as I’ve been blogging, but have just now put it to good use. I promote something almost every single day on my Facebook page- BUT it’s only items I currently use, would like to use, or find interesting.

I also link to items appropriately in blog posts. In this one blog post alone about Whole30, I referred over 40 sales of It Starts with Food and Well Fed, plus the sale of almost 20 food processors. All by adding a few links in the post that MADE SENSE to the post. (Plus, it’s passive income. That post will always be there and the links will always be there.)

My Amazon income June 2014: $25. June 2015: $100.

Find other affiliates that make sense to your blog.

I wrote this post and have made over $500 on it- and again, it’s passive income. Once I wrote it, it’s done and it just keeps bringing in income without my touching it besides promoting it on Pinerest now and then. I’m using affiliate links for Swagbucks and eBates in it- both programs I personally use and recommend. (Their affiliate programs rock, too)

Swagbucks income June 2014: $0

Swagbucks income June 2015: $45

eBates income April-June 2014 (their program runs on a 3 month basis) $0

eBates income April-June 2015: $80

(another good affiliate program: BlueHost)

Do Virtual Assistant (VA) work for other bloggers/companies

Once you’ve been blogging a while, you’ll find that you have a certain knack for things that others simply don’t have the time to learn or time to do them on a regular basis. I’ve been doing VA work for several bloggers/companies and it’s things I already know how to do, so I just carve out a little time to do them each day.

VA income June 2014: $0

VA income June 2015: $300

Just by implementing these practices, I’ve quadrupled my blog income since the same time last year.


Let me know if you have any questions in the comments! (Also, I am now offering blog coaching! Click here to read more!)

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best blogger resources under $50 How to make residual income on blog posts How I Finally Started Making Money Blogging- Part 2 Practical Steps for the new blogger!

About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!


  1. How did you get involved in VA work, and what kind of things do you do? I find that idea really interesting…

  2. Thanks for your info and I too am interested about how you started in VA work. Do you have a recommendation for those of us who are looking to start in virtual assistant work?

    Thanks again and keep up the great work!

  3. That is so awesome!!!! Great job Kelli!!! I can’t wait to see what you are doing this time next year! 🙂

  4. Hi there, I think we’re in the same phase. I’m ready and willing for the money to start flowing! Like you, I’m doing VA work, like you I have kids at home. I wonder, do you find promoting products on your Facebook page loses you followers? Do they not find it spammy? I’ve done it once or twice but I’m nervous about doing it regularly. Would love to hear your thoughts.

    • Kelli Hays says

      Hi Alyson! I promote one product a day (usually) but also share several other things throughout the day- links to my posts, links to other bloggers’ posts, questions, etc. If you mix the products in, people don’t mind. (As long as they are items that make sense for your page 🙂 )

  5. Great post – thanks Kelli!


  6. Great Post! I am intrested in VA as well!I don’t know a thing about it!So if you could share your thoughts that would be great!

  7. Thanks for the helpful post Kelli. I like the idea of promoting favorite products on Facebook – it’s simple, but sounds effective.

  8. Great post, I’m also interested to know more about VA

  9. I didn’t know you could use Amazon affiliate links on Facebook. How do you do that? Do you just copy the code into a Facebook status or post? I’ve used some affiliate links but have not made anything yet.

    • yes I use the “shorten code” option so it’s not the super long URL. I try to do stuff that I’ve actually used or really want to try so it’s more authentic!

  10. Comment by: Stephen Walker

    I am delighted to hear you are making a success of affiliate marketing.

    I have toyed with the concept, but the emphasis being on toyed, you can guess i wasn’t wholly successful.

  11. Lorna Jordan says

    I think your absolutley amazing. Im disabled so can’t Ho out to work and my partners just left me so I’m looking army ways I can earn an income from home. I’m Scottish living in the UK I can talk for Scotland..!! Love my computer blogging would be great just up my street. PLEASE can you tell me how t get started and where and the virtual blogging sounds great…im an online shopper
    Any advice would be gratefuly recieved

  12. Hey Kelli,

    thanks for this inspiring article.
    Yes when you’re trying to make money with your blog, you need to apply a completely different mindset then when you’re doing it just as a hobby.

    I’ve just launched a blog myself. And to me it was very important to have all the important information in order. Who am i and how can i help others, who is my target audience, all those kind of things.

    My goal is also to make a fulltime income out of it in the future, so that i can work completely online. And move to thailand.

    once i finished reading this post, i immediately wanted to check out more of your articles 🙂

    xoxo chris

  13. Thanks for the info! Great article!

  14. These are some great tips for increasing your blogging income. I think I am going to focus more on Amazon Affiliates as you suggested. It seems like that would eventually pay off after a while!


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