I Need to Move It, Move It Guest Post {Clare from Peak313 on Goals}

I am so very grateful to have Clare from Peak313 Fitness sharing today. I found her blog last month and jokingly (sort-of!) mentioned in a comment her writing a guest post for my Move It-Move It series. So I was completely surprised to find an e-mail from her in my inbox a few days later! I love, love Clare’s blog and have learned so much in the short time I’ve been reading it. If you are looking for fitness ideas as well as Christian encouragement, Peak 313 is the place to visit! Without further ado, here’s Clare.

I’m excited to share with you today on Kelli’s series “I Need to Move it Move it”! Today I’ll be talking about how to set personal fitness goals! New Years is coming and so I know this will be fresh on your mind!

Shine the spotlight. Take a good look at what your current state is. Ask a close (healthy) friend their opinion on how you could improve. There may be ways that you don’t see that are weak spots for you.

Figure out your resources. I think people skip out on this step a lot. You need to see what you have available to you before you get a plan in place. Do you have the money to spend for a gym membership? Does a local church have a class you can attend? Do you have healthy recipes at your fingertips?

Set a short-term goal. You need a short-term goal to keep you focused on the day to day. Think outside of the box for short-term goals. Don’t focus on numbers, per se, but quality of life goals such as, Am I sleeping better at night? Did I avoid over-processed food today? Do I feel stronger for each workout?

Set a long-term goal. You need a long-term goal so you can track yourself as the months pass. It’s very fulfilling to see results that occur over a many month period. Get specific here. I want to lose “x” pounds in “x” months.

Get accountability. You HAVE to have this. Whether it’s an online message board, a friend, or a group exercise class, it’s essential to long-term results.

Celebrate! Most people associate celebrating with food, however you can celebrate other ways! Get a new exercise top, or spend $10 on new music for your workout. Do this on a monthly or every other month basis to keep you motivated!

Be sure to check out my blog, Peak313 Fitness for more tips, exercise ideas and accountability to get you started for the New Year! Move it! Move it!

About Clare:

Clare and her husband and 2 children live in Northeast Ohio. She has her bachelor’s degree in business management and left a promising career to be a stay-at-home mom to her children. She is a certified fitness instructor and teaches pilates and group fitness classes at her church and local university. Clare’s passion (outside of raising and nurturing her children and home) is motivating women of all ages and stages of life to live well physically, emotionally and spiritually. Visit her at Peak313!

Thanks again Clare! I am setting some goals now! 🙂

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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
