New Series coming…. tomorrow!

I am super-excited about the new weekly series I will be starting tomorrow. I realized about a month ago that I am really, really tired of the same veggie dishes. I really want to eat healthfully, but how. many. more. roasted. carrots. can. I. eat? (Actually, a lot. I do love them, but I want variety!)

So I have perusing the internets (i.e., mostly Pinterest and Pioneer Woman) and found a few new dishes that I tried out on the fam. And guess what? My husband ate Brussels sprouts. And he loved them! Thank you, Pioneer Woman, once again.

Also on the new rotation is a super-simple, yet super-delicious acorn squash.

Hence, the series “veggieMIGHT” was born in my mind (and my stomach!). Do you know what Veggie Mite is? Here is the definition on Amazon: “The Aussie essential. Vegemite is a salty spread with distinct taste acclaimed by Australians everywhere. Americans please use in moderation.”

That last part cracks me up, mostly because it is true! It is pretty intense. But I do love our Australian family and I am more than a little tickled about the name of this series.

And there’s more. Since we are not eating out this month, I really, really need new recipes of all kinds! This is where YOU come in. Starting tomorrow, each Wednesday I will have a recipe linky for you to link up all the delicious goodness you’ve been cooking up- this week, last week, last year- it doesn’t matter! It will most likely be new to me! So it’s a very low-pressure linky, if you will. If you already have recipes on your blog, you don’t have to rush to throw a new post together at midnight! (I say that as I’m writing this at 2:08 am. Gonna be a long day!)

Aaaand I will feature one or two of my favorite recipes the next week, and the featured bloggers will get one month of free advertising on my blog. Does it get any better? I am so excited I can hardly contain myself! 😉

Hungry yet? See you tomorrow!

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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
