It’s hard to believe we are on week 8 of this series on marriage! I have been overjoyed and humbled to learn something each week from my guest bloggers. Have you enjoyed it as much as I? Today, I have a newer blogging buddy Heather, sharing about a topic that can cause strain and stress in marriage:
Hi Y’all! I am Heather from High Heels and Scuffed Sneakers. I am thrilled to be a part of the Wives Tales’ series and grateful that Kelli has allowed me to join this incredible journey with you! Today I am going to share a little bit about my marriage and the M word!
Thank you so much Heather! If statistics are true, money is one of the #1 topics that can cause problems in marriage, so we would be wise to not only discuss it with our spouse (or future spouse), but to make a plan that can fit both parties’ personalities. I have also read Dave Ramsey’s book The Total Money Makeover and found it to be highly beneficial. You can read my full review here.