Happy Monday everyone! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was quite relaxing- Saturday my husband and older son spent the day fishing with friends in Galveston so I spent the day with the other 3 playing outside, going to the library and just relaxing. Funny story, I picked up a $5 pizza for them and we took it to the park. It was so windy that the entire box was knocked off the table! Needless to say, we didn’t stay long. 😉
I’m so very excited to be sharing this easy Paleo recipe for Zuppa toscana copycat soup. If you’ve been to Olive Garden and had their soup, salad, and breadsticks, you’ve most likely had zuppa toscana. It’s deliciously salty, creamy, meaty, and filling. Traditionally made with Italian sausage, red potatoes, cream and butter, I just made a few switches to deliver a dish that was very eagerly devoured by the whole family.
I’ve been trying to make things that the kids will enjoy too so I’m not making 2 dinners each night, and this one is a winner. (I’ve already made it twice, in fact!)
One thing about Whole30 is that it’s pretty hard to eat out and stay on plan, so making this Zuppa Toscana at home was just what we needed to feel like we were dining out, but without the unhealthy additives. (and cost!) We used homemade Italian sausage (I’ll share the recipe soon). Be sure whatever you buy doesn’t have sugar in any form, MSG, or sulfites.
This is one recipe where I use the heck out of my food processor. I used it to slice the potatoes (about 20 seconds), mince the garlic (about 10 seconds) and shred the carrots (about 30 seconds.) This one is on sale right now for just $30 and is the #1 seller in food processors on Amazon! It’s definitely worth the money in my opinion! Find it here. (affiliate link)
Here’s the recipe for Paleo Zuppa Toscana! Hope you enjoy!
- 1 pound Italian sausage without casings
- 2-3 slices Paleo bacon, diced
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 tsp. ghee
- 1.5 pounds red potatoes, sliced thinly
- 4 cups beef broth
- ½ cup grated carrots
- 1 Tbs. dried rosemary
- 1 tsp. coarse salt
- ¼ cup coconut milk
- greens: kale, arugula or chard work well
- Melt ghee in bottom of a large soup pot and add sausage and onion. Stir until meat is browned through and onions are soft.
- Add in bacon and garlic, stir for about 4 minutes or until bacon is almost done but not crispy.
- Add in remaining ingredients except coconut milk and greens.
- Simmer until potatoes are soft, about 20-25 minutes.
- Stir in coconut milk.
- Add a handful of greens to each bowl; ladle soup over greens and stir.
- Enjoy!

I can attest that it was tasty! Thank you for sharing it with us.
By the way, the link to the food processor isn’t working.