Rejoice Always: Summer Scripture Memory Week 3

summer scripture


It’s Tuesday again, which means it’s time for the Summer Scripture Memory Series! First of all, congratulations to Paige- she won the set of Child Training Bible tabs! I’ve already sent her an email! Thanks for all the entries- I LOVED reading all your favorite Bible verses in the comments!

We’ve been talking a lot at our house about not complaining. My kids have to do chores each day and sometimes their attitudes aren’t the best. (Sometimes mine isn’t the best either! ha!) We’re reminding them that living in a house, especially an air-conditioned house- is a huge privilege and something we should not take for granted. The opposite of not complaining is to “rejoice always” which is probably one of the hardest directives in all the Bible.

1 Thessalonians 516-18 Summer Scripture Series week 3

{Click here to download and print!}

Today’s verse comes under the “complaining” portion of the Child Training Bible. If you’ve ever been around someone who doesn’t complain and is continually positive- you well know that it’s SO refreshing! Sure there will always be stuff to complain about- after all it is around 95 degrees in Texas right now– but there’s so much good around us as well!

For the activity today, simply print out an extra copy of the printable and cut the words either completely apart, or into short phrases, and help your child put them in order. I used to do this when I taught Sunday school and it was one of the most effective ways for memorizing in my opinion!

I’m so excited about my children learning Scripture and yours as well! Let me know in the comments how it’s going for your family!

Did you miss Week 1 (forgiveness) or Week 2 (self-control)?Don’t miss another week!Enter your email address:

About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
