That time I was a Mean Girl

Last month on my road trip with my college roommate we watched the movie Mean Girls. Yes, I know, we’re so sophisticated. Can you believe I was a teenager in the 90s and never had seen it before? Anyway, it brought to mind that time I was a mean girl.

When I was in 8th grade, (oh I shudder to remember) I was friends with a group of 3 other girls. We hung out at school and had so much fun together. Two of us went to church together, and a third girl joined us about some events through the church. The 4th girl was a different denomination than us, so she wasn’t allowed to do anything with us that involved the church.

Apparently, the three of us decided that that was reason enough to ostracize the poor girl. One day we were all friends, the next day we decided to make her life miserable. It brings tears to my eyes to write this because I’m so ashamed.

I don’t remember everything we did but I do remember one specific incident. It was the end of the school year and we had received our yearbooks. We asked to borrow hers so we could sign it. I guess she thought that was gesture to be friends again, so she let us. So we took it and basically ruined her book, then gave it back.

that time I was a mean girl. When I was in 8th grade, there was a girl

That ended me in the principal’s office for the first and only time, (besides an April Fool’s Joke once) and it scared the mess out of me. Our only punishment was to pay to replace her yearbook, and I honestly wish we had been dealt more. It was enough to scare me into not being outwardly mean to her anymore, but not enough to see how much we had damaged the poor girl.

It’s been well over 20 years since this incident and I can remember it like it was yesterday. Never before and never after was I intentionally mean to someone at school. (now siblings, that’s another story 😉 ) But I’ve been thinking of it more lately as my own daughters get older and there is the possilibity that they will be victimized by a mean girl- or worse- become a mean girl themselves. I’ve got a post coming later this week offering a few tips on hopefully preventing young girls from becoming mean girls.

that time I was a mean girl. When I was in 8th grade there was a girl
About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!


  1. I totally had mean girl moments and in a few cases, years later had a chance to talk to people and make amends, which was so nice. I’ve had a few people do the same for me!


  1. mean girl says:

    […] few days ago, I shared my story of that time I was a mean girl. (If you  missed it, you can read it here.) It is part of my story that I am not proud of, and I want to work in every way possible to […]
