The Four Rs

(This pic courtesy of a friend)

This weekend, our church was blessed to be able to take a retreat together in the beautiful piney woods of East Texas. It was so, so good to get out of the city and just have time to learn more about one another and share a time of worship Sunday morning in the 100 year old chapel.

Ben (my hubby, also the pastor) told us at the beginning of our time together we had four “jobs” for the weekend:
Rest– hopefully a little more than usual. Many of church members are med students/researchers/Phd Students/moms(!) that don’t regularly get a lot of shut-eye.
Recreate– the camp where we stayed had lots of things to do for fun, and we did most of them! Thanks to 70 degree weather in January, we were outside most of the time.
Read- we are starting to study the life of King David next month, and Ben encouraged us to get a head-start on reading about his life, as well as reading other books
and finally, (build) Relationships. On a normal Sunday, we have to set up/break down the whole “church”, plus the kids’ area, and greet new visitors, so it’s often hard to get to know each other in that few hours. This weekend was great for lots of one-on-one time!

I didn’t get in as much of the resting part as I would have liked (due to a teething baby), but the rest of it was such an idyllic weekend.

One of the things I love about our church is how the members love on our kiddos. We don’t have a ton of kids in our congregation (but that is slowly changing due to a baby boom!) but my kids L.O.V.E. the adults in our lives.

 Some of the great gals in our church with my littlest babe.
For part of the recreation *some* members rode down the zipline at the camp.
Here is my hubby about to go. (And no, I didn’t do it!)

 Some of our friends getting ready to zip!

Love this one of my sweet friend Carmelle.
She is also an amazing blogger/med student…
check out her writing!
However, I did climb the rock wall twice! I was very proud of this accomplishment because I am not one for trying new athletic things- especially in front of 40ish other people. 🙂 And it wasn’t too bad (after my mild fear of falling) and I did it about 3/4 of the way a second time.

Oh, and my almost-five-year-old did it before me, so I was under a little pressure, no? 
She made it about 1/2 way up, which I thought was great!

My kids also love being outside. This little one just toddled around all over the place-
 enjoying getting dirty and being able to roam!

My older two with Carmelle in one of my husband’s deer stands.

An impromptu time of worship in the chapel I mentioned. 
Notice the beautiful windows…

If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend getting away from the regular rat-race of life to just take time to enjoy nature and develop relationships with those in your lives.

And now, I’m trying not to think of the mountain of unpacking that awaits me! 🙂

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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
