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In world where there is a downright plethora of books, it’s hard to know exactly WHAT, as a Christian woman, you should take the time to read. I’ve been a voracious reader my whole life (When I was a kid, I’d buy a book at the Christian book store 45 minutes away and have it read in the car by the time we got home!) and I’ve read some books I’ve completely forgotten about, and some that resonated deeply in me that have stuck with me over the years.
Here are (in my opinion) ten of the best books for women that love Jesus and want to grow in their faith. There are so many books and so many topics, I am sure a Part 2 will be following soon.
1. You’re Already Amazing by Holley Gerth
It’s been a few years since I read this book so I’m thinking it’s time to revisit it. (It’s not a hokey self esteem book like it may sound ) Holley does a great job at explaining how our strengths are a great way to guide our ministry to others, and how serving in areas in which God has gifted us revives us instead of draining us. It is so incredible that God has equipped each of his children in a unique way- and finding that equipping is so refreshing! You can read my full review here or click here to buy.
2.) 7 by Jen Hatmaker
Jen Hatmaker makes me laugh one second then catch my breath in conviction the next. It’s a gift she uses well. I read 7 (yes that’s the title of the book) about 2 years ago and recently re-read it. It’s an eye-opening look at the over-consumerism of most American Christians. Jen explains all of this in a crazy experiment she did- with results that were sometimes hilarious, but always humbling. Click here to buy.
3.) Own your Life by Sally Clarkson
The subtitle to this book is Living with Deep Intention, Bold Faith, and Generous Love – doesn’t that just make you want to be a better person? I just love the sweet nature of Sally. I’ve been reading her blog off and on for years and also read another book she co-wrote that will appear on another list I’m working on. (And I just found out she has a new book on the horizon, I CANNOT wait!) Click here to buy Own Your Life
4.) Say Goodbye to Survival Mode by Crystal Paine
This book is so freeing- it gives you the permission you’ve been wanting to LET GO of some of the things you’re trying do in your life. For example, if you’ve got something scheduled every single night of the week, you might need to reevaluate your priorities and see what’s really vital and what’s not. I also loved the chapter about living well within the margins of your income in order to give more. I find myself so often saying, “Oh, this is just a few bucks.” (usually while at Target, can I get an amen?) But those “few bucks” over time add up. Instead of spending an extra $5 every time I go into Target, I can easily support another child from Compassion International. Read my full review here or click here to buy Say Goodbye to Survival Mode.

I got to meet Crystal at a homeschool conference this summer- what a sweet spirit!
5.) So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore
Oh this book. It’s one of those that I’ve read twice and will read again. Most Christian women don’t really realize how much insecurity directs their life. I know I didn’t. The book also made me very aware of how often I build up and encourage other women (or don’t). If we feel that we have a handle on being a secure woman, why would we not to share that joy and freedom with other women? I didn’t know why so many women insist on being back-biting enemies- but through reading this book I learned that it is probably because they are feeling insecure in some area! Read my full review here, plus a personal story about my own insecurity. Click here to buy So Long Insecurity.
6.) Hearts of Fire by Voice of the Martyrs
This book follows the story of several modern-day women across the world that have suffered (or are still suffering) immense persecution for our faith. In America, this is just becoming a reality as 9 lives were lost in our own country just last week because of their faith, but it’s been a way of life for Christians across the world for, well, 2000 years. Warning: This book is SO hard to read. One of the worst. But we don’t do ourselves any favors hiding our heads in the sand. Click here to buy Hearts of Fire.
7.) Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala
This book is on the older side (1996) and I read it right before I started dating a minister. (Whom I eventually married ) The author is the pastor of Brooklyn Tabernacle and the book covers the story of how Cymbala and his wife took over the church that was basically dead. Through the power of God, the church became a vibrant beacon of light in NYC. I love a good redemption story, and this is one of them. Click here to buy Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire.
8.) The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel
I’m actually currently reading this book now, and I’ll be the first to admit that it’s not an easy read. But it takes a hard look at the hard questions people have about our faith. I think it’s important to realize that not everything in our faith can be 100% explained (that’s why it’s called faith!) but it’s important to be educated on the facts that we do have. Lee Strobel actually used to be an atheist, and set about to disprove Christianity. Along the way, he became a Christian himself! Click here to buy The Case for Faith.
9.) The Hardest Peace by Kara Tippetts
Oh goodness please get your tissues ready before you start this book: The Hardest Peace. Written by Kara Tippets, the blogger behind A Mundane Faithfulness, about her battle with breast cancer. She had 4 small children and was very young when she was diagnosed and so much of her story reflected my own that it was very humbling. You can read my full review here or click here to buy The Hardest Peace.
10.) The Bible.
Now this one should be 100% obvious but I myself have gone through seasons where I prioritize reading other books- albeit good, edifying books- over reading the one book that we have straight from God. However, we won’t know if the books we are reading are worthy if we don’t know the word of God! Click here to see a beautiful journaling Bible. (I love taking notes right in my Bible, rather on a piece of paper I’ll likely lose. A journaling Bible gives much more room than a typical, narrow-margined Bible.)
(Side note: if you have a BSF in your area, I highly recommend you attend. I learn SO much Scripture through these classes. You can check here for classes in your area.)
(contest over) And now! You get to enter a giveaway where YOU choose the prize! How fun is that? 2 readers will be awarded the book of their choice from this list! This is completely sponsored by me because I LOVE my readers. Without you, this blog is obsolete! ($25 limit on the Bible, if you so choose that item!)
Boy, that’s a good list. You and I seem like kindred spirits as far as books and reading go! I would like to read So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore and Own Your Life by Sally Clarkson. Love them both.
I would choose You’re Already Amazing by Holley Gerth
Own your Life – haven’t read that yet!
7 and Beth Moore’s book.
7 by Hatmaker
I’d give Own Your Life a try. Wonderful list, and I love that it concluded with the Word of God! I had just been thinking about how easy it is for me to think I need to go find good books when I really need to be sure I’m first in His Word.
I’d have to go with Own Your Life and Say Goodbye To Survival Mode. I’ve read some of the others and they are excellent books.
I downloaded 7 after your description, even before I finished reading the list! But, really, I shouldn’t start reading it until I have finished washing dishes. I will probably want a hard copy of it if it is as good as I am expecting.
Probably Beth Moore’s book. I’ve enjoyed her Bible studies.
I love that you have the Bible on the list. Jen Hatmaker is always an inspiration for me so I would chose 7.
So Long Insecurity is one of my favorite books! I would love to read Hearts of Fire! Love your blog!
Thanks so much for linking this up at the Bewitchin’ Projects Block party this week Kelli! I am a huuuge reader myself but have only read a couple of the books on your list. I will definitely have to add some to my “To Read’ list. Thanks again for linking up and have a blessed week! Hugs, Lisa
I haven’t read 7, but I love Interrupted and was on the For the Love launch team (also a must read book). I also loved Longing for Paris and Desperate by Sarah Mae.
They all look good! I’ve read a few but “Own Your Life” and “You’re Already Amazing” both look fantastic! I have been hearing a lot about serving where your gifts/passions/values already reside. I love this idea. It really excites me. Especially since my gifts aren’t the normal “pastor’s wife” gifts. ?
Favorite books are always a fun thing to pass along. Thanks for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty link party.
Thanks for this list. I’m checking some of them out. Best wishes, Linda @Crafts a la mode
I love your list. I would recommend Elizabeth George’s ” A Woman After God’s Own Heart “.
God Bless, Tamara
That sounds great! I will definitely check it out!