Water Blaster {Add to your list- only if you want to have fun!}

My family loves loves LOVES to be in the water in the summer. Or should I say, the kids and I do, and Ben lovingly tolerates it. We have one of the cheap plastic pools from Target in the back yard, and many summer days find us out there enjoying its refreshing properties bathwater temperature. Yes, in lovely Houston, in our tiny pool, in our backyard with zero shade, the water is not cool in the middle of the day. But we endure it anyway, or wait until sundown.

Over the course of parenthood, many water toys have wandered in and out of our lives, but I don’t think we’ve had as much fun as with this one. You simply draw water into like a syringe, and shoot it at your kids, your dog, your spouse, or whatever is in its shooting distance- which by the way is a looooong way!

I honestly think Ben and I enjoy it as much as the kids. And the dogs enjoying being blasted, too. Ahem. Not really, but they should. It’s hot out there!

If you have a kid in your life {or an adult who enjoys fun!}, add one of these to your shopping list. You won’t regret it. {unless you get shot on the way out the door to church, or work, or a date! ha}

Oh, and if you’re having a swimming party, click here to buy them in bulk!

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About Kelli Hays

Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman!
