The kids patiently waiting. |
Little Miss entertaining herself with her shoes |
a pastor's wife dishes about faith, family, food, and good reads You get what you get, and don’t throw a fit- Review of Free Kids’ Haircuts at JCPenneyAugust 13, 2012 by Kelli Hays A few years ago, my sister apparently told my son that she told her first grade students at the time, “You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit” when passing out snacks, coloring sheets, etc. Well that saying has most definitely stuck in our household, and the kids always remind me, “That’s what Lindsey says!” (although she hardly remembers telling him that!)
Anyway, this past Friday, I had to remind myself of this all-important saying.
I took advantage of JCPenney’s free kids’ hair cuts, and made my older two an appointment. When you call their 800 number, you tell them what your first two choices are for an appointment time, and your local store is supposed to e-mail you within in 24 hours with your exact time.
I called last Monday, and by Thursday still had not received an e-mail. So while my kids were in school that day, I drove to the store to see what was going on. The lady working (who was very nice) said, “Oh, it’s tomorrow at 1 p.m.!” I’m not sure how I was supposed to know this without an e-mail, so I’m glad I went in. Strike one, but I was still optimistic.
I made the mistake of making a Wal-Mart trip directly before the hair cuts (which coincidentally also fell at both of my girls’ nap time- yay!). It was my first trip to the store with all three since I sprained my ankle, and I definitely paid for it that night. But we really needed milk and a few other things so since my ankle had felt better on Thursday, I decided to go for it.
Needless to say, I was already frazzled when we made it to JCP at 12:59. (Did I mention it was also about 100 degrees that day?) Yay for being on time!
However, I could have been late as we ended up having to wait about 25 minutes. I saw a manager-ish looking person barking at one of the employees, telling her “people would just have to wait- we’re running behind!” I didn’t even see anyone complaining, so I’m not sure why the lady was so mad. I felt really bad for the employee.
Anyway, a 25-minute wait is e.t.e.r.n.a.l. when you have 3 kids, one of which is a little too young to understand the waiting process. Also I was trying to keep them entertained and away from the enticing hair-products lining every wall. They did really well, though. Strike two- even though it wasn’t really their fault.
A very nice young lady came to get Landon and asked what I wanted for his hair. I told her just to trim his current hair cut. She was very patient with him and very nice, I just don’t think she knew how to cut boys’ hair. About halfway through, she went to get another lady to “help her fade” the cut. Eventually the first stylist disappeared completely. The front desk employee came to tell the 2nd stylist that her next clients were there- a family with 5 kids. The stylist said something along the lines of, “I hope they’re all girls- I don’t like cutting boys’ hair.” Um, you’re cutting my boys’ hair as we speak. Strike 3.
The “trim” turned out into a near-scalping. Fortunately Landon is okay with it.
Allie’s stylist did a very good job. I just had hers trimmed as well, and luckily, hers didn’t turn into a scalping. That would have been a bit more tragic!
Ahh, to have that color hair!
So in summary, I won’t ever take Landon back- even if it is free. Ben (hubby) can do just as good of a job at home, without the hassle. I just don’t think boys are their thing- as evidenced by the second stylist’s words.
As for Allie, it is up in the air. She only needs a trim a few times a year, so I probably won’t take her back either. I’m a little bummed because I was hoping to finally find a place to have my own hair cut, but I’m thinking this isn’t my place.
I am sure that others’ experiences have been different- this is just what happened to us.
Nothing awful, just a bunch of little things that made for a not-too-pleasant experience.
So I just need to remember my sisters’ words, “You get what you get, and don’t throw a fit!”
Filed Under: Uncategorized About Kelli Hays Kelli Hays is a wife, mother, writer, and friend. She has been blogging since 2008 and loves sharing inspiration for the everyday woman! CommentsI’m KelliHi, my name is Kelli and I'm so excited to have you here! I've been married to Ben for 17 years and in that time, we've worked in youth ministry, planted a church, traveled to Kenya on missions trips- both separately and together- given birth to 4 babies, fostered a little boy, adopted him two years later, and recently found out we have a surprise little girl on the way! Our family lives in a farmhouse that we completely remodeled 3 years ago. when I say completely, I mean, there was nothing … (continue reading) CategoriesCopyright © 2025 · Lifestyle Child Theme on Genesis Framework · WordPress · Log in |
I have learned the hard way too – sometimes “free” isn’t worth it!
Ugh, yikes! I mean– on the bright side, at least it was free! But that saying has come out of my mouth more than a few times with kids that I’ve worked with. “You get what you get & you don’t throw a fit,” & somehow it always alleviates a tantrum!
Yes, I have learned from this experience that free isn’t always best! lol. Yes, hopefully that saying will make them more grateful for what they do get. (and me as well!)
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Most definitely!
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